Thursday, June 24, 2010

10 years!

Where were you ten years ago today? We know where we were! We were getting married!

June 24th, 2000 (a good year -- it makes it easy to remember how long we have been married! 2001=1year, 2010=10 years, 2050=50 years :-) ) we were married in Elkhart, IN at the church Danny grew up at. We had met nearly 5 years earlier at Taylor University (that's why Syd's middle name is Taylor). Our wedding day was filled with fun, friends and family! I remember having so much fun dancing at the reception with Danny to a song from the Goofy movie (Eye to Eye) and a song from Grease (Your the one that I Want) complete with motions. It was a blast! And silly, just like us!

Life together has definitely not been dull: we've traveled together (Vegas, Disney, San Diego, disc dog competitions... LOL), had 1 apartment, 2 houses, 2 dogs, 2 children, 4 MILLION frisbees (...and a partridge in a pear tree)! Sometimes it feels like its been WAAAAYYY more than ten years (such as when the toddlers are being toddlers) and sometimes it feels like its just flown by (when we are laughing hard about something goofy - even if it is about something dumb I did - yet again). And we have both learned a lot: Danny has learned that I do need more than half the bathroom. And I have learned that Danny REALLY, REALLY doesn't like stinky food (which is pretty much everything I like to eat :-) ), and that he meant it when he said that ironing was part of the vows (Seriously -- he has not touched an iron ONCE in ten years!). We also learned that a MAC and a PC actually CAN coexist in the same household :-).

It has been an amazing ride so far - bumps and all - and we can't wait to see what happens as our adventure continues!

Danny - happy anniversary and just remember that "Resistance is Futile" babe. I love you!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dinosaur Birthday!

Our little guy Riker just recently turned 2. We think that Riker had an awesome day on his birthday. The first big deal he got for the day was getting to eat breakfast in the living room at his special table with his "Favorite" sister.

After that Riker and Sydney spent the morning building forts on and under that table. Oh to have the imagination of a 2 and three year old, it is just amazing. Then the kids went off to nap and Mommy and Daddy went to work decorating the house. As many of you will probably remember last year's birthday theme was Tires/Wheels. This year's birthday them was Dinosaurs. Definitely one of Riker's new loves, he does a very "menacing" dinosaur roar.

Mom not wanting to be out done from previous years had to make an AMAZING cake. She started on it on Friday and finished it Saturday during the kids nap before the party. Riker LOVED the cake.

Of course you can't have a birthday without singing Happy Birthday. Watch Riker's expression, he is not too certain if he likes this singing or not.

Even more than liking the look of the cake he liked EATING the cake.

Riker received many "Cool!" (his word for them) gifts. What a wonderful family and friends he has. I think he got into opening the gifts.

Who is more excited?
Mommy worked really hard on sewing Riker some gifts. Riker seemed to think they were pretty cool and played with these a ton since getting them.

There weren't too many kids at the party. But here are all three of them hanging out.

Of course the kids weren't the only people having fun. Thanks to our neighbors (Thanks Warmans!) we had some great games of ladder golf going.

No one competitive here!!! LOL
Here we are at the birthday party. I think we all look pretty happy.

With Great Grandma Esther attending the party we had to do the 4 generation picture.

We think Riker had a great day playing, eating and getting spoiled and we wish him many more wonderfully fun birthdays!