Skyhoundz North Central Regionals - WHAT A WEEKEND!
Wait 'til you read this!! Danny is still a bit shell shocked, but he and Guinan have been working SOOOOO hard, they deserve it all! Danny is disc dog obsessed and practicing constantly! Anyway, here's a big Danny and Guinan update!
This last weekend, July 29th and 30th, in New Castle Indiana there was the North Central Regional Qualifier for Skyhoundz (event hosted by IDDC Indianapolis Disc Dog Club, a prestigious disc dog competitive organization that has competitions all over the world (for more info The qualifier this year had over 240 teams competing! The top winners from this weekend qualified to go on to this years World Finals in Atlanta, GA Sept. 23-24th.
Overall this weekend Danny took an amazing FOUR first place titles, a Second place and a Third place! Qualifying to go to the World Championships in not one but THREE. events!! : Distance and Accuracy, Freestyle, and Pairs Freestyle! And Danny and Guinan also set a new World Record in Time Trial as well as lots of other records! The first place spots make Danny the Regional Champion in Freestyle and in Distance and Accuracy (in a region of 12 states).
Here is a little about each type of event where Danny and Guinan placed!
-1st place in Freestyle: The dog/handler team have two 90 second rounds to do a routine, often set to music, of various throws and catches, including exciting vaults -- where the dog jumps off its owner. They can use up to 5 discs.
-1st Place in Distance and Accuracy: The dog/handler team has two 60 second rounds to get as many throws caught as possible (dog returns each throw - allows only one disc) gaining points for distance and bonus points if the dog is in the air for the catch.
-1st Place in Time Trial (and a World Record 14.78 sec): Try to get the dog to catch and return two 20 yard throws as fast as possible.
-1st Place in Team Time Trial: Try to get the dog to catch and return two 20 yard throws as fast as possible while alternating between two handlers. (This award was won by Danny Eggleston, his doubles partner Christina Curtis and our dog Guinan)
-3rd Place in Team Time Trial: Try to get the dog to catch and return two 20 yard throws as fast as possible while alternating between two handlers. (This award was won by Danny Eggleston, his doubles partner Christina Curtis and her dog Nitro)
-2nd Place in Pairs Freestyle: The dog/ double handler team have 90 seconds to do a routinue of various throws and catches, including exciting vaults -- where the dog jumps off the handlers. They can use up to 10 discs. (This award was won by Danny Eggleston, his doubles partner Christina Curtis and our dog Guinan)

Danny and Guinan get ready to rock!
Here are some links to video clips. They were taped mainly so Danny can go through and know what to do different next time--- so the video quality isn't perfect
Danny's round one single freestyle routine -- unfortunately a cameraman was in the way for the end of it -- but at least you could see it! If your computer lets you! Single Freestyle Routine
Double Freestyle Routine (small on screen so hard to see) Doubles Freestyle Routine
Now the special request here is to pray that I don't go into labor early because then Danny won't go to World's and I want him to be able to! In fact we are due 2 weeks after the World Championships -- here's hoping and praying that I don't deliver early!!!
Yay for blogging! Thanks for sharing the videos & pictures! We hope Baby Egg stays put until after Worlds! :)
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