North Carolina Trip 2010
At the end of May through the beginning of June we took a trip to the North Carolina mountains and Grandpa and Mimi's house in the mountains. We had a great time, and it was even better since Grandpa and Mimi came along (which helped entertain the kids on the long drive there too!).
As proven by most Eggleston vacations we didn't do much "sitting still" the whole week. We started the week by heading to Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge for the day. The kids had a great time. We found a little amusement park place in Pigeon Forge where there were some fun kids' rides.
Mom got in on the action while riding the M&M car with Sydney.
Sydney's first experience on Swings.

We spent the next day going to look at Waterfalls. The kids seemed to love seeing waterfalls here (Northern Indiana "waterfall" at a dam). So we thought the would go head over heals in love with them in the Mountains. They were only okay with them! Oh well - we tried!
Probably the coolest waterfall we went to was Dry Falls, where you can actually walk behind the waterfall. I have to say that I think that Riker was the person who enjoyed this process the most (Hint watch the video). Hahaha
Got some nice family photos at this water fall as well.
The next day we rested, even Eggleston children need a rest every once in awhile (and mommy did too). We went to the park, did some hanging out at the house. It was nice and peaceful. But rest time was over when we headed out the following day. Mimi and Grandpa stayed behind while we took the kids to Santa's Land, a great kiddie amusement park in Cherokee. They had a blast. And I have to say so did we - Jamie smiled so much it hurt!
Riker was in love with the "horsies" on the carousel - especially the green ones. He said this was his favorite ride - it beat out the train! Syd's CLEAR favorite (the jumping up and down was a clue) was the RudiCoaster that she went on 4 times!
Sydney thought she was really "cool" riding the motorcycle. Isn't she tough?
Then the kids got into the act and decided to go get a bit silly!
Then came the last day of our trip and Dad and son decided to go with the matching outfits. Aren't they handsome?
We spent this day going around Ashville and seeing some cool sites and going to Fuddruckers for lunch. VERY yummy. (Syd was excited that should could have all the tomatoes and pickles she wanted!) Overall It was an awesome trip. The kids are still talking about it! But we had to leave -- just so we could go home and get some rest!
what fun and great memories!
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