4th of July Fireworks

Sydney, Danny, and I went with Danny's parents, his brother (Ben), and his girlfriend(Anita) to see the 4th of July fireworks. Sydney had a good time playing in the grass and with grandma and everyone while we waited for it to get dark.
Sydney, I think you are suppose to open the chair before you sit on it
Grandma lends a helping hand
Ben and his girlfriend, Anita, came along for the festivities.
All of us had a good time hanging out together, we think ;-)

Right before the fireworks started we decided to get a picture of dad and Sydney together
We expected one of two responses from Sydney during the fireworks. We thought : 1) we would be running for the car because she was scared and screaming OR 2) that she would be giving big smiles and loving the fireworks. But as usual Sydney did not like to be predictable, so instead she was BORED with the fireworks and played with her dad's keys through the whole show, looking up only once or twice! She seems to prefer something more exciting (hahaha).
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