Saturday, December 22, 2007

Outside Christmas Lights

We took Sydney to a winding subdivision in our area that has contestes every year to see who has the best Christmas lighting and decorations: most unique, most traditional, etc. This makes for a very enjoyable drive through the subdivision. It is very well known. In fact it is so well known that they have police officers at night directing traffic into and out of the subdivision, with arrow flags to know which way to go while you are in the subdivision. We decided this was something for Sydney to experience. We sort of broke the law and took her out of her car seat and sat her up front with us. Didn't think it was too bad since the fastest car moving the subdivion was going 5 miles an hour. She loved it. It was great watching her swing her head around to look at both sides of the street, and pointing at things. In fact she tried to break our van because as we drove by a display she tried to stick her head out a closed window to look at the display behind us. She did this about 3 times!

When we left the subdivision to head home she started getting upset in the back seat, because Dad was driving too fast past other houses that had Christmas lights. I know this because she calmed right down soon as he slowed down when no cars where around.

More Holiday news to follow after Christmas! Merry Christmas everybody!

Photo Courtesy of Grandpa Eggleston


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