Visiting Santa!
We took Sydney to see Santa for the first time, at the mall today. We headed into the mall and found that there were even road signs to help us trace down the jolly old man.

When we found Saint Nick, Sydney was initially very excited and wanted to go see him.

But when time came to actually get up on his lap, things were different. All of a sudden he was this scary stranger when mom wasn't right there. It took a little work to not have her completely upset for a picture. Here is what we were able to take.

After we were done seeing Santa, Sydney wanted to write him a letter, so we took her to the writing station where she had more fun standing on the seats and crawling on the table.

To conclude our trip to see Santa Sydney decided that a bear look-a-like contest was needed. Who can look the most like the bear? It is spooky how close they are. Can you even tell which one is Sydney?

Merry Christmas!
How precious!! So enjoy your blog and the wonderful pics of Syd and all of you... God Bless You all and Merry Christmas.
Love, Bill and Linda
PS It is overcast in Florida, but the temp is in the 70's!! Will be our first Christmas in shorts!
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