Monday, August 25, 2008

Big Girl Bed

Sorry this post is a little late (at least a month late), but we still wanted to make sure it got posted.

Sydney is getting older and bigger and because of both of these things it was time to move away from the crib and try and get her into a big girl bed. She has bunk beds in her room so we took the mattress off of the top bunk, and laid on the floor next to the bottom bunk (instead of trying to use a bed rail). We tried to make it as fun as possible. Dad even laid down with her to read her a couple of stories.

After we were done reading stories we tried to get her to get comfortable and ready to go to sleep and give a goodnight kiss.

But she was still jazzed up and had to CHEESE for the camera a bit.

Aren't I adorable!!!

Eventually she calmed down and went to sleep. We have only had one bad night where she was scared with not being in the crib. After some cuddling from Mom and Dad and a few lessons on what shadows are, she has been fine ever since. She has only started emptying out her dresser once. But we have found her riding Max (her rocking-dog) after naps sometimes...

Oh crap I think they caught me!

Overall for a kid not yet 2 years old...we have been very impressed! Good girl Syd!

A bit of a sleepy strecth to start the day - her first morning as a "big" girl.


At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What fun! All these firsts to share with us. Keep showing us that sweet looking smile, Syd.

Love, Linda

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Good job, Sydney! Caelyn moved to her bed at 18 months. We used a webcam to "spy" on her and make sure she learned to stay in it. So fun!


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