Ready to Roll!

I thought a bit of a Riker update would be nice - especially since we finally caught him rolling over on camera!
Riker rolls over -- what an amazing kid ;-)
He has rolled over (tummy to back) several times since before he was 2 mths old but we had never had proof before (his first rollover was at his doctors appt.! What a show-off!). Unlike Syd he uses his mighty arms instead of his large noggin to flip himself over. He also is quite the babbler and loves to chat face to face. His face is full of dimples when he smiles, which is often as he never stays angry very long. He also is really starting to try to grab things -- and has caused both Mom and Dad to have purple fingers from his super-action grip!
Sometimes he even fights himself...

Poked himself in the eye this time!
He is just such a positive little guy and so much fun. Even Syd agrees -- she likes to shake rattles for him (and tried to feed him a Cheerio this morning...hey, it's the thought that counts!)
In this video Riker appears to be lecturing Mommy on how cool it is to be him!
Go Riker! Elise rolled at her first doctor's appointment, too. As a warning, it only gets worse! She's a VERY active little thing. (Nice way to say, "troublemaker...")
I told you I think he will be walking real soon he is so strong. What a cutie and I know exactly what he was saying... He says he has the best family in the world!!! love ya lots, Linda
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