Goodbye Manhattan

Normally this blog is full of wonderfully great news. This news could be wonderfully great, but it isn't right now. Yesterday I was let go from Manhttan Associates. I was 1 of 150 people that were let go because of downsizing due to how the economy is doing. It came as a bit of a shock, but there was a bit of the writing on the wall showing that things were heading this direction.
It has been a great 9 years. For those who don't know the history of my employment it is a little crazy. While in college I interviewed with Summit Group for a job. I excepted a job from Summit Group. Six months later while still in college I recieved a phone call from Summit Group saying they were bought-out by Ciber, and I would be working for them, but that I still had a job. I started my job about 4 1/2 months after that. The company was still Ciber, but at the end of my first week I was called into a meeting and found out that the small development portion of the company was going to spin off and become its own company called Intrepa. I worked for Intrepa for a year and one month and then found out that we had been purchased by Manhattan Associates, and there I have stayed for last 8 years. So I have worked for 4 companies, but only worked at one desk.
Who knows what the future holds. I am sure I will find another job, but when and where is the question. I will be sure to let you know as it all becomes clear to me.
I know they say when God shuts one door he opens another -- I just wish he'd show me where that door is, how to get there, where the key to open it is and aim me at the keyhole! :-)
Danny - wow, that is shocking news. I will pray that God will lead you to the best place for you. And soon. You are such an intelligent and diligent person. I'm sure your next company will love you!
i second what Lori said. Manhattan was crazy to let you go... you're one of the hardest workers I know!
Thanks Guys
It's really shocking news.But still i would like to say that there will be some silver lining in this cloud.It would be better that company will ax only two person that is (PJ and his BJ)instead of giving ax to 150 associates.
Its really a bad news for all Associates..This should not have happened with person's who have worked hard to get this company Top one position in SCM execution field.
But Don't worry as you have mentioned God never leaves anybody in middle of problems..he will show you the way.
"Hard Workers Never fails in their life".
Have a nice time.
Wish you Good Luck !! May God Bless You.
Thers something much better waiting for you at the other end..which you wouldnt have grabbed unless you had moved out from here..You shall soon realize that...
Wow, I am shocked, but I know God will show you a new and better road to follow. God Bless You and we will be praying for your new adventure to begin soon.
Love, Linda
i got to know today and was baffled. u were always the first to answer my label questions. u were the best
hey Danny!!! we surely are missing you and will miss you a lot ... we have lost 3 Big gun from PDO and its next to impossible to fill into your shoes.. !!! we don know how long we are gonna survive with the current condition but we hope the best happens for all of us... God bless you and take care....
Who is this that left the last comment. I am just curious.
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