Syd's a...
We tried a new look on Sydney and decided that it made her look like a 3rd Olson twin. What do you think? Makes us say "Got it dude!'

Real Olson Sister
Here is also a little video of her in the pigtails. Doesn't she look cute?
Yes, she is ALWAYS moving lately (unless she is sitting with Dad eating popcorn!).
She's an ATHLETE
Sydney has also created a new game that Mom has affectionally dubbed "Sydney Ball". She always puts on a hat that she got from Grandpa Fritz (usually backwards), her Dad's old slippers and then grabs a yellow plastic stirring spoon and a little ball and kicks it around and hits it with the spoon. Kind of a soccer/golf combo. She occasionally starts cheering "Yeahhhh!" like she made a goal of some kind -- we still haven't figured out the rules. Here she is in her "uniform"..
She's a TALKER
Sydney has started to enjoy the art of talking. She is saying tons of new words every day-- everything from "Watch!" (watch TV) to cracker, hat, Riker, Mommy, Daddy, odo(Frodo), please, up and many more. And various combos of them all. She also says "No Way!"--we are still trying to figure out where she got that from. It is like she suddenly got interested in communicating! Here is a short video that shows some of the words and the work it takes to understand "Sydney Speak". How many words do YOU hear?
Before I finished reading the rain and Syd news, I couldnt leave a comment and now that I am back in, I see why. Will go up to watch the Riker entry after saying that I agree, Syd looks like the olson twins. Loved the shoes and hat game! Love, Linda
Got it dude! is right! Talk about a resemblance! Love you! Shannon
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