Sydney's Third Birthday
Another year has passed and Sydney has had another birthday. We thought we'd share a bit of her great day with you. Her day began with getting up. And here is what she said (there was no coaching for this! She just sat up in bed and started talking.).
After getting going for the morning Grandpa and Mimi picked her up for the day so Mom could decorate the house and cake and make the theme of the party be a big surprise (Phineas and Ferb - a Disney Channel show we all love that Syd said is her "favorite" - dad even had the soundtrack playing!). To make her day special Grandpa and Mimi took her many places. She got to pick out some pumpkins for her and Riker, and she even got to ride a pony!
It sounded like she had a great time during the day with them. But it sounds like she was also ready to come home knowing that there was going to be a birthday party for her when she got there.
Here she is as she comes into the house.
Here is a picture of this amazing cake that she was looking at, and for those of you who don't know who Phineas is, here is a reference picture as well.

Everyone made there contribution to the party. Jamie decorated the whole house and the cake and prepared the house for company. Dad bought 5 bounce balloons. :) Guess which one was the bigger hit in the house? You got it. Dad WON. Poor Mommy...
Sydney finally got to have everyone sing to her and eat cake - she was thrilled! She decided to eat some of Phineas' hair - and her whole mouth turned bright red!
Sydney received many gifts that she loved. But the one we think she liked the best (biased because we gave it to her) was her own digital camera. Here are some pictures she took with the camera (it is a Fisher PRice kids camera and she had it figured out in seconds!)
Hi Uncle Dean!
Say Cheese Mimi and Aunt Marilyn
Isn't Mommy cute?
Smile at the camera Uncle Ben!
So overall she had a great 3rd birthday party. Hope you have enjoyed sharing it with us! We just can't believe she's three!
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