Danny on ESPN2!!!

Ok everyone tune those TV’s to ESPN2. This Sunday at 12:00 Noon on ESPN2 Danny should be on The Incredible Dog Challenge! It will air from 12-1pm and Danny should be on there doing Disc Dogging with Guinan. The Disc Dogging competitors are normally the first ones they show so don’t tune in late. Should be pretty cool, well at least to us!
Tune in and then come back and leave us a comment. We would love to know how many people stop by our blog.
Sounds awesome!! We don't have cable but maybe Steve can track it down online somehow.
Rats. We don't get ESPN2. That's what we get for being cheap. Are you gonna record it?
We are going to DVR it, and hoping the in-laws can burn it to DVD.
Will check to see if we have ESPN2 and be sure to record it...
Ok I was wrong. It is at 5:00 PM on ESPN!!!
Oh no! We watched (and recorded) from noon-1p, when they said there would be another show. But, they never said when the rest of the show/the next show would be. It was 5p on the same day, but different channel?! Aargh. They better show it again, cuz I wanted to see that part. Diving dogs are cool and all, but I wanted to see you guys. =)
Sure glad that we got to see the right one. Danny and Guinan looked great and were on several of the promo for the next segments. I am a proud momma!
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