CROP Walk for hunger

Danny, Sydney, the 3 dogs, and myself are doing the CROP walk next weekend, which is a walk for hunger. This is a 10K walk through Elkhart next Sunday, October 7th. We have done it for several years (some MUCH slower than others-- due to me! And we didn't due it last year since it feel on Sydney's due date!) What is does is raise money to help with world hunger, and a portion is used locally as well. A group of people from our church do this every year -- and Danny's and my pledge list is always a bit short, we hate asking people for pledges... so we decided to try something different.
We hear there are many people who read our blog, so we thought this was the quickest way to contact as many people as possible. If you would like to make a pledge please e-mail me at to let me know you are going to be sending a pledge and we will put you on the list. Do not feel obligated in anyway, in fact, we will never even know if you read this so no worries! Danny and both felt this was a very non-confrontational way of asking people. :-)
The Eggleston’s
PS Please pray that I don't keel over from the walk! Maybe I will have the dogs drag me....oooo wait, I claim the stroller! :-)

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