Christmas 2008
We know that it is late, but still wanted to put up a Christmas post.
Christmas this year was long and involved, we had many Christmas get togethers with the family, if memory serves there were 6 in 7 days! That is a whole lot of Christmas!
It all started the weekend before Christmas in Battle Creek with Mom's family. One of the get togethers Sydney and Riker played together very well (well Riker played with Sydney and Sydney ignored it, we call that a WIN) :
Sorry for the sound, it didn't come through correctly when the video was uploaded.
Dad also kept himself very busy at this get together with kids hanging all over him.

There were also many gifts from Grandma and Grandpa Fritz as well as Uncle Trever. Here the kids are getting a Wagon from Uncle Trever.

Riker always felt right at home haning out on Granmda Fritz's lap when Sydney was running laps, jumping, swinging from the lights, or doing some other monkey type activity.

Sydney loved getting together with family at Grandma and Grandpa Fritz's house, she even had fun sitting with her Second Cousin Jessica playing some of her new toys.

And no Christmas is complete at their house without a night filled with game playing. We played many different games including Cranium (Dad and Jessica won, a great come-back victory you should ask them about it), Scene It-Disney addition (Dad didn't play so that the team's would be fair), and at least one game of Carcassone, and Settler's of Catan.

After we finished up Christmas there we headed home. Christmas Eve we spent playing games at Grandma and Grandpa Egg's house. We even gambled on the games. For the first time ever Dad was the big winner, coming out to the positive by $4.50.
Christmas day was spent at home. With Santa coming and lot of gifts and fun. Here is a small video of some of things that were going on.
Here is also a very nice picture we got of the kids together, you don't get many of these pictures at this age.

Riker recieved many gifts for Christmas, but his favorite gift was not even a gift. He was the most thrilled to get one of Guinan's frisbee's to play with- it figures!

The day after Christmas we headed to Grandma and Grandpa Egg's house for a fun day. But the day did not start so fun. For anyone in Northern Indiana I don't need to tell you what was bad, but for everyone else here is what was not so good. There was a huge ice storm Christmas night, and we didn't know how bad it was until we were on the road on our way to their house the next day. I don't think we broke 10 MPH the whole way there, the trip normally takes 8 minutes, it took us 45 minutes!!! But we did arrive safely, and thankfully so did Uncle Ben and soon-to-be Aunt Anita.
I could go through showing you pictures of what people got and explain each one, but I thought a nice collage showing all the smiles of the day would be a better way to go.

Hope everyone had a great Holiday season, and be sure to remember Jesus is the reason for the season!
Enjoyed sharing your Christmas.
Love, Linda
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