North Carolina Trip Part One!
Vacation time! Sydney need a chance to vacation without a sibling so... we decided to go to North Carolina with Grandma and Grandpa Egg to their beautiful house in the mountains. We were sure Sydney would be a "challenge" in the car, but Grandma was keeping a watchful eye.

And Grandpa was driving the van smoothly.

So Sydney could do nothing but sleep comfortably. (And Mommy was happy she got a chance to read & rest too!)

We weren't sure what we wanted to do while we were down there, but knew that whatever we did it was going to be something that Sydney would enjoy. That sure made looking at our usual North Carolina vacation different! The first "most exciting thing" Sydney found was the driveway (so didn't have to go far).
Of course she had to help Grandpa do a bit of raking while out on the driveway.

And what else do you do when you are on vacation, but go to Chucky Cheese (good idea grandparents!). She had a blast. We were there for about an hour and spent $2.00. The ride Sydney enjoyed the most was out of order, but she didn't care, so she kept sitting at that one for free. There are quite a few videos here to show you just how much fun she had.
The next day we decided to tool around Waynesville and Cherokee. Sydney enjoyed walking on the sidewalks with Grandpa (Or riding on Dad's shoulders while drumming really hard on his head!).

When we went to Cherokee we took Sydney up to see Mingo falls, a pretty neat waterfall without having to do much hiking, just have to walk up stairs about a 1/4 of a mile.

Sydney had more adventures down south so Stay Tuned for part 2 of the trip!
Looks like everyone had a good time. Too bad Sydney does not get much attention from everyone.
Uncle Dean and Aunt Marilyn
She has grown so much and she is such a happy little girl. Glad we could enjoy the trip with you.
love, Aunt Linda
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