Danny's pain in the...
As some of you probably know I am big lover of sand V-Ball

I play every summer from June-September in a 4’s league. We have a blast. And we aren’t too bad if I do say so myself. Two years ago while playing I was running from the back of the court to the front of the court, someone hit a ball over my head I tried to stop quick so I shoved my right foot into the sand. My big toe found the drainage pipe under the sand. That did not feel too good. In fact it hurt really bad! I assumed it was badly bruised so I tried to just let it heal, but 9 months later I finally decided to go see a doctor about it. They X-rayed the toe and found nothing wrong. He gave me some cream for my toe and sent me on my way. A year later I went back to him for the same toe (if you are keeping track we are now on summer of 2007). He decided to give me cortisone injection in my toe. Let me tell you that is not an experience that you really want to have. But the pain went away!
Around Christmas-time 2007 the pain returned so I went back to see the doctor, he gave me another cortisone injection, they actually had to inject it twice. They figured one time is fun, 2 times would be blast. They decided to do another X-Ray just to see if anything had manifested itself since the last X-Ray a year and a half ago. This time something did pop out. I had a bone spur on my big toe that was causing the pain. After seeing this I was sent to a specialist. They immediately said they could do a quick surgery and have it taken care of.
Off to surgery I went on February 11th. They gave me some nice drugs and knocked me out. The doctor then went in and sanded off the bone spur. I then got to spend the rest of the day at home, but (everyone here knows how stubborn I am) the next day I was back to work.
I had to keep my foot elevated for a couple of days, but it wasn’t too bad. Since then I have had the wrap removed that you see in the photo. In fact as of this past weekend I am back to wearing a normal shoe on my foot. There is still some black and blue spots, but it looks like it will probably heal it very nicely.
I've had cortisone shot into my knee. Not really fun at all.
Ouch! Now come on... it really would have been okay to take a little time off of work!!
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