Thursday, May 31, 2007

Help Sydney win a scholarship!

Sydney's photo has been posted to for the "Baby, You're a Star!" contest. Sydney is one of the contestants for the month of May. She can qualify to win a $10,000 scholarship and $1,000 of Evenflo products -- and be a "face of Evenflo".

Syd just loves her Evenflo Exersaucer and would love the chance to show it!

Click here - to see Sydney's photo and vote.

To ensure fairness for each contestant, voting for "Baby, You're a Star!" May contestants will begin on June 1 and will last until June 15. Once the votes have been tallied, a semi-finalist will be chosen and go on to the final round in September.

Remember, you can vote once per day, so stop back often. Every vote counts!

Thanks everyone! Tell your friends to vote!

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Baby Yoga!

Yes, it's true...babies have no bones.

This Yoga position is called "Downward facing Sydney"

All kidding aside, we had some fun houseguests and this is how a very exhausted Sydney fell asleep for her nap. A positon chosen completly by her!

---Don't forget to vote for Sydney! (see previous post)---

Updated house tours!

As Danny promised here are videos of the house at 12 weeks.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Quick House Update

The updates on the house have been slow recently. Here is a quick one. There will be a much better update on the house later this week. At least that is what Danny promises.

Not only are we having a house built but Danny is doing a bit of work on the house. He and his dad put down a floor in the top of the garage so that there will be storage area up there. Later Danny went back to screw down all the new OSB (floor boards) so that it didn't move. Here's Danny up there working. As you can tell it really isn't that comfy up there.

Here is a view from underneath of what they did. This will not be visible by midweek because the drywall in the garage will cover it up.

Here are a couple of views of what has been going on with drywall. Of course Danny could not help himself and had crawl up on the scaffolding.

This picture shows just how open the entryway to our house really is, even after the drywall has been put in.

Here Supervisor Sydney is making sure the drywall does not blow away.

Sydney getting involved...

Sydney has decided it is time to get active. She wants to lead a healthy life style.

The first thing she decided to do was go on a short little 10 mile bike ride. But as you can tell she went in style and didn't have to do to much work.

(We sure thought we kept hearing her say, "GO FASTER")

Sydney now decided she wants to follow in her dad's footsteps, so she picked up a disc for her first lesson.

The following video will show you that she is a natural at throwing the disc.

All that practicing was a lot of hard work for her, so she had to crash and crash HARD she did.

With all this playing around Sydney decided it was time to get some work done around the house, so she thought she would help dad mow the lawn.

But it was a lot of hard work making sure dad's shirt stayed on, so she had to catch a quick dog nap (there are no cat naps in our home).

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Long Overdue House Update

Danny Here! The house is moving right along. As you can see from the picture below we now have a garage floor, front porch and a roof.

The following 3 videos give you one last walk through of our house before the drywall goes on, which is suppose to start tomorrow.


Sydney is now 7 months old. It is amazing how time is flying. It is time to start feeding our Sydney some more foods, which makes cleaning-up a bit more difficult. Our first choice was peas. Check out this video:

Here is a picture from me and Sydney (check out that grin) on my first mothers day.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

More great Syd accomplishments!

Hi everybody!

Sydney continues to entertain and amaze us! Enjoy a few videos and pictures of her latest and greatest....

Sydney has now tried solid food (if you can call rice cereal a solid!) In fact we don't think it could have gone any better -- check out what Sydney does at dinnertime:

Sydney continues to bond with the pooches:

Syd and her buddy Frodo.

Guinan and Sydney hang out (until Syd gets too close, than Guinan will sometimes run!)

And last but not least, she is very mobile, crawling, rolling, sitting up from a crawl (and visa versa) all the movement and the bumps and tumbles that go with them, she is learning fast! Brand new today, she is standing in her crib (we moved the mattress down after this video was taken):