Help Sydney win a scholarship!
Sydney's photo has been posted to for the "Baby, You're a Star!" contest. Sydney is one of the contestants for the month of May. She can qualify to win a $10,000 scholarship and $1,000 of Evenflo products -- and be a "face of Evenflo".
Syd just loves her Evenflo Exersaucer and would love the chance to show it!
Click here - to see Sydney's photo and vote.
To ensure fairness for each contestant, voting for "Baby, You're a Star!" May contestants will begin on June 1 and will last until June 15. Once the votes have been tallied, a semi-finalist will be chosen and go on to the final round in September.
Remember, you can vote once per day, so stop back often. Every vote counts!
Thanks everyone! Tell your friends to vote!