Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Backyard Camping

A couple of weeks ago we decided to give the kids a treat and “go” camping. We figured baby steps would be good, so we decided to camp 10 feet out the backdoor. The kids thought it was great.

Riker helped make sure the poles were strong enough to hold up the tent.

Sydney helped put the poles in the tent.

The kids thought it was blast playing in the tent.

Mom and the kids even had headlamps, even though everyone was asleep before the sun ever went down.

Needless to say no one got too much sleep. We pretty much got up in the morning with the rising of the sun. Then, of course, the kids had to go inside and leave dad to clean-up. Well I think dad decided to have some “fun” with clean-up. But I will let the video do the explaining.

As you can tell it was a great experience and maybe next time we will move further from the house, you know, where we can’t have 3 fans and access to bathrooms (WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING??????)