The COW Review
As many of you know, Sydney has become the Chick-Fil-A Baby, and in the process of this has recieved many cool cows from them. We thought it would be appropriate to do a review of her current cows. There will be 3 ratings for each cow. Dad's Rate, Mom's Rate, and Sydney's Rate.
Here is Sydney with the cows to give a size comparison.

Here are all the cows visibily togethor, so that you can decide for yourself which one you like best!

Our ratings will be based on a 5 chicken system. Sort of like stars, but since the cow is always saying to "Eat more chicken" that is exactly what we are going to use!

This is the 3 foot tall Cow that Sydney recieved for her 1st Birthday.
Dad's Review: Very nice quality, well made, but BIG!

Mom's Review: This cow -- although large -- makes a great TV/Reading buddy!

Sydney's Review: I LOVE this guy. I sometimes come down from a nap and just dive on him.

First cow Sydney recieved. It was very exciting when Chick-Fil-a just gave this to her!
Dad's Review: Simple Cow, nothing super exciting about it, but is very nice.

Mom's Review:A classic!

Sydney's Review: It was fun to get this cow, but I don't really play with it much.

This cow is given out at Chick-Fil-a to the kids when they do the crafts offered at different times. Sydney was visiting having dinner during one of these sessions and the lady made a point to come over and give one to Sydney!
Dad's Review: This cow's nose is too squashed in for me (has the face of a pig, but the colors of a cow :-) ).

Mom's Review:Kind of cute and very portable (fits in my purse!)

Sydney's Review: I like this one, because it is just perfect for my little hands.

It is pretty eveident when Sydney got this one!
Dad's Review: Decent cow, the Santa outfit is pretty nice, festive enought to put out every year!

Mom's Review: Super Cute. Actually my favorite. And it makes me think of Syds First Christmas so...

Sydney's Review: "It's SANTA cow, how can you not like that!!"

This is the "CHIKIN FEVER" Cow. From a set of 4 cows.
Dad's Review: Love the hair, the outfit is very colorful, good quality.

Mom's Review: Staying Alive Cow to me -- very funny.

Sydney's Review: I like the blue shirt and how it feels in my fingers.

This is the "EAT MOR CHIKIN" Cow. From a set of 4 cows.
Dad's Review: Not as impressed with this one. The Guitar is flimsy and Sydney could rip it off.

Mom's Review: He looks like David Bowie to me! And has "leather" pants -- too funny.

Sydney's Review: I like this one, but dad won't let me mess with the guitar (pout pout).

That's all for now -- if Syd's collection continues to grow (and She Loves them) we will keep you posted!
Which one do you like the best?? Let us know!