Monday, June 09, 2008

Ultimate No More...

Danny here.

Many of you know of my love for the game of Ultimate Frisbee. I have played for many years (8 years I believe) with the South Bend Ultimate League – MUSL – There were pickup games every Tuesday night and Sunday afternoon with Summer League on Thursday nights. For a couple of years I even traveled with the club team, “Blah Blah Blah” to tournaments. Our Coed team even took 5th place at Nationals in Florida! But this is all a thing of the past now. With the birth of our second child Riker, something had to give. I decided to give up Ultimate and have a date night with my daughter, Sydney, every Thursday night instead. We do anything from going to the mall to look at toys, to going out to eat or going for a bike ride. It is just a special daddy/daughter night. I will miss playing Ultimate greatly, but I believe I filled the time with something even better. If there are any ultimate players reading this “Thanks for a great ride”.

Keep the Frisbees flying.