Monday, March 30, 2009

Game Weekend 2009

Another year, and another Game Weekend at the Eggleston house. This year in attendance was Gary Wine, Terry Wine, Brian Riechenbach, and of course myself (Danny). We have had game weekends in the past -- Gaming Weekend 2008.

Here are the games we played this year:

This year was a lot of fun. The weekend started with everyone giving their strategies on how they were going to win the games this weekend:

One comment by the host causes this video to have a PG-13 rating.

There was lots of game playing going on (duh!). Lots of caffeine in be taken in, and lots of hours of sitting at the table playing. The hours we played this weekend were.
- Friday 7 PM - 2:30 AM.
- Saturday 9AM - 1:00PM (break for lunch), 2:30PM - 4:00AM (yes this 4AM Sunday morning)
- Sunday 9AM - 11:20AM

If I have my math right that means we spent 26 hours playing games from Friday night until Sunday lunch.

Here are some thoughts on how the weekend went:

And we of course have to end with a great group shot! Thanks again for coming guys!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tire Rack - Danica Patrick

During this past week Jamie and I attended a Tire Rack event. It was a sales kickoff with Firestone. Basically it was a sales meeting to show off the new products that they would be selling through Tire Rack.

To make it more of a family friendly event they called it a "Family Night" at the Tire Rack. You could bring your spouse and children to the Tire Rack and you would get to meet Danica Patrick the Indy Race Car Driver. Everyone was getting the chance to meet her and get her autograph and even get your picture taken with her. Jamie and I decided the kids would not care about meeting her and would probably get really bored with the whole thing, so we left them with Grandma and Grandpa and went to meet her (which was good since we were in line a looooong time).

She is amazingly tiny. Measuring in at only 5'2" and 100lbs! She was very personable and easy to talk to. They had one of her race cars there so I got my picture in front of the car.

I figured while we are talking about the Tire Rack I needed to share a picture of how cool our lobby looks with all the wheels. There is a lot more to see but not easy to fit into an image.