Friday, May 21, 2010

Kids Playset

Time again for another one of those rights of passage as a parent. The kids are now old enough for a play set, which means Dad gets to build one (from a kit). We ordered a kit, and the first thing that had to be done was wood had to be stained, it two weeks of working almost every night to get all of the wood stained.

After all of the wood was stained, we were ready to begin. My Dad and I set out with the task of trying to build the play set in 1 day. It said it would take 10 hours for 2 people, we would see about that. Here we are about 1.5 hours into the project. Not moving along too slow if I do say so myself.

Things slowed down a bit from there. But things really picked up when we got our two helpers out to help us get the project done.

But for as hard as we worked on it on Saturday we were unable to finish, we were able to finish everything but the swings.

As you can tell by their happy little faces at the end of Saturday, they didn't mind that the swings were not up yet.

We did not work on the project again until Wednesday night, at which time we FINISHED the project.

After it was done we decided to interview the kids and see what they thought of the play set. I was very happy with the answers that Sydney gave in her interview

Riker's look of pure joy tells you every answer you need to know.

I think they were excited and happy with the finished product. Now Mom will have to answer the constant question "Can we go out and play now?!"