My Preeecccioooouuuss...
We always report all the cool fun things that go one, well this time it wasn’t cool and it wasn’t fun.
Last night I (Danny) went and played ultimate Frisbee after the kids went to bed. During the game I had pretty severely bent back all 8 of my fingers. It did NOT feel good. But out of all my fingers the one that took the worst of the impact was my ring finger on my left hand. And yes, I do wear my wedding ring all the time. (Well except when I want to take it off and spin it on the table at a restaurant :-) )
As soon as I got off the field from playing (of course I finished out the point!) I tried to take off my ring, but I was too late. The finger was already too swollen.
I got home at about 11:15, and with Jamie’s help, I got ice on it and took some Ibuprofen. I even had the joy of a bowl of ice water that I got to dunk my hand in. And THAT did NOT feel good. But no luck on getting the ring off of my finger.
I slept all night with my hand over my head to try and help the swelling. I woke up this morning and things were definitely not better.

After trying many home remedies for getting the ring off my finger (vaseline, windex, compression wrapping, ice, etc. etc. etc.) it became clear that I would need to have the ring cut off my finger. Not something I was very happy about. So off to J.R. Fox Jewelers I went. I took a quick picture of my finger right before they went to cut it off (the ring that is!).
Here it is pretty evident that it needed to come off.
It was pretty cool how they cut it off, they use a really neat little tool. Jamie said it looks like a can opener.
Here they are cutting the ring off my finger.
Once they got it cut they bent it a little and took it off my finger.
"My Precious"
The surprising thing is that they removed it for free and said it will only cost me about $20.00 to get it fixed!! I am glad I got it taken off. Next time I may not wear my ring when I do sports!!