Check here for updates and info on the lives of Danny, Jamie, Sydney, Riker and their dogs Frodo and Guinan. Don't forget to try and see disc-dog Team "Egg"streme (Danny and Guinan) in action if you get a chance!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Friday, May 23, 2008
Grandparents on Hand
Riker is doing great at just a day old. We have gotten some very nice pictures of Riker.

The grandparents have all taken turns at holding Riker. Grandma Kathy (Egg), wasn't here when the birth occurred this time, because she was at school, but she was around via the phone to here the announcement of the name and the sex.

Grandpa Egg was so excited to see the new addition to the family. He was very excited to here that Sydney would be able to come in and see the new baby right after he was born, so he was able to be there when everyone saw Riker.

Grandma Robin was very excited to get our call yesterday morning that said "COME ON DOWN". They made it down from Battle Creek about a 1/2 hour before the baby was born. They were thrilled that they made it.

Grandpa Jim (Fritz) worked all Wednesday night and hadn't been to bed at all when we called for them to come down. I do not believe that he slept all day. He was exahausted, but the adrinaline, of a new grandbaby kept him going.

Thursday, May 22, 2008
A New Baby Egg
Riker James Eggleston has joined the Eggleston family. He came into the world at about 12 Noon today (5/22/08). He was 7Lbs 11 Oz and 21 inches tall. Mom only had to labor at the hospital for about 3 hours. It went very quick.
Here is a video only a ½ hour after he was born.
Here are a couple of pictures with Mom and Dad.

Here is the first time that Big Sis Sydney got to see little brother Riker.

Since Grandpa Egg was there I got a picture of 3 generations of Eggleston Men.

It is amazing to have another little member of the family. I can't believe how cool and awesome it was to put the first diaper on Riker. I remember how terrified I was of being able to change diapers with Sydney, but now it is just really cool. Riker is just such a blessing to our family.
And it Begins
Things are starting to happen in the Eggleston household. This morning Jamie asked me to not go to work. She asked me to start timing contractions, so being the geek I am I created a spreadsheet for it.
But being the VERY caring husband I asked her to post a blog about Disc Dogging before we went to the hospital.
Jamie got one last hug from Sydney, which Sydney very willing gave.
On the way to the hospital Jamie kept the spreadsheet up to date while I drove to the hospital.
I was very stressed on the way in as you can tell by this picture that Jamie took WHILE having a contraction.
We will keep everyone updated as we know what happens.
Disc Dog 2008 Starts
Danny Here:
The disc dog season has kicked off for 2008 and Team "Egg"streme is off to a pretty good start. There has been a new member added to the team, Potter! Normally 3 is a crowd, but that doesn't seem to be the case.
We have competed at 3 competitions this year. They were in Cincinnati, OH; Waterford, MI; and Kokomo, IN. So we are getting around!
At the first competition in Cincinnati, it was me and the pooches. We traveled on a Friday night part way to Cincinnati, and then slept in the van at a rest stop, got up the next morning and went to the competition. It makes it sort of an adventure doing it like that. That day was pretty fun, we pulled in a first place in freestyle (that is Guinan and I), and Potter made one catch in distance, which I thought was a BIG accomplishment, since he seemed to think the judges were more fun than the disc.
The second competition was in Waterford, MI. Which is not to far from Battle Creek, MI, where Jamie's parents live, so Jamie's dad went with me to the competition and threw to Potter and Guinan in the distance category.

In the novice category Jim got 3rd place (with Guinan), which excited him quite a bit.

At this competition Guinan and I took first place in Freestyle and in Distance. Here is a video of one of our routines.
At this same competition Potter did not catch any throws in distance, but did play freestyle a bit, here is Potter's attempt at freestyle.
The third competition was this past weekend in Kokomo, IN. It was a 2 day competition, but with Jamie being pregnant and due in a week I decided to only go for one day if she was feeling good. So Sunday morning very early, Guinan, Potter, my dad, and I headed to Kokomo. My dad competed with Potter and Guinan in distance.

Potter didn't catch any distance throws for my dad, but he did catch one for me. The crazy thing is that he catches 5 out of 6 distance throws in our back yard!
Guinan and I competed in Freestyle and Distance on Sunday against about 75 competitors total.

We managed to pull out first place in both Freestyle and Distance.
So over all Guinan is off to an EXCELLENT start this year, and Potter is having fun!
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Enjoying the Warm Weather
Now that spring (almost summer) is finally here, we have been getting outside with Sydney and she is really enjoying it.
We thought a nice blog post would keep you busy until we have a BABY news blog post (yep, STILL pregnant here!)

Syd squeals about bubbles!
Mom decided to get some bubbles out for Sydney to chase, this was the first time she had ever seen or played with bubbles, it was pretty fun to watch.
Grandma and Grandpa Fritz got Sydney a new ball, that is just slightly bigger than she is (as you can see that doesn't slow her down!)

She thought it was fun to kick the ball around, but actually more fun to carry the ball around. I guess I don't need to tell you that, this video shows it all.