Dad Egg's Christmas Ornaments 2011
Every year my Dad makes ornaments for the Christmas tree that signify what has gone on in our families lives. This year was another great year of ornaments.
First up. My brother and his wife bought a house in Fort Wayne. If you have seen their house you would agree that this looks just like it!
My dad and I do building projects every year, and this year we did two. We built lockers in our laundry room, and we built a shed. But instead of doing 2 ornaments he did two ornaments in one.
As our family becomes more technologically advanced we seem to have more and more "i" products. IPhones, IPads, IPods... So we needed something to signify this.
This year my brother had a trip to the Emergency Room and some time in the hospital, because of not taking in a enough of the right liquids when playing tennis. He found out that you have to drink and equal amount of water when you drink Gatorade (he was only drinking Gatorade). So hear the scales to remind him to keep balanced.
My dad is heavily involved in Red cross. He has even done deployments to help out where crises have occurred. This spring he went to Joplin, Missouri to help the Tornado victims. What he did every day was help take meals to people in an ERV (Emergency Response Vehicle). If you wondered what and ERV looked like, well, here you go.

My brother and his wife were unable to go on a honeymoon when they got married, so they finally took their honeymoon this spring and went on a cruise.

The last big event of the year took place in October when we took the kids to Disney World with my parents. We all loved it, but there is nothing more iconic about Disney World than Cinderella's Castle. Check out all the detail!

Hope you have enjoyed seeing these ornaments as much as my Dad enjoyed making them.
Great job Dad!!!
Last Years Ornaments:
2009- a video