On one fine average day the Eggleston family all got struck by lighting causing a very strange day indeed!! I am sure you are wondering what happens to a family like the Egglestons when they are struck by lighting. Well let me tell you! What we have been able to piece together is that everyone received the
Katra (look it up if you aren't a Star Trek person), of someone/something else in the universe for the day.
Dad seemed to be have the embodiment of a life size beetle, and all he cared about was pretty lights and how wonderful they are to look at.

Sydney on the other hand was a bit more difficult to figure out. We know she became some rich movie star who thinks they don't have to do anything! We were just lucky that she didn't find a bikini swimsuit to put on. You should have heard her demands. "No I want expensive fancy Milk to drink, not this yucky Meijer brand Milk!".
Riker we were able to place pretty well too. He went from this quiet little baby to a Rock and Roll singer. It was amazing the sounds that could come out of that kid. He didn't have a real guitar so he just kept strumming along on his little pan, we think he thought he was a Jonas Brother.

Mom on the other hand had the simplest yet scariest transformation of any of us. She become a Brown Bear. And we all know that it is winter right now, so she just went to sleep. You know how they say just let sleeping dogs lie, it is also VERY true of sleeping Bears.
But don't you worry, when the next full moon came out, we all reverted back to the "normal" Eggleston family. There were some after effects, Dad ran into glass doors more, Sydney barked out orders just a bit more, Riker seems to think he needs to grow his hair down to his butt, and mom thinks her porridge is always too cold...